Thursday, April 22, 2010

BEGIN, INIT, CHECK, UNITCHECK, END : Five different code blocks

These are different types of code blocks available in Perl, which get executed during start and end of any Perl program. One can have more than one of these blocks in any Perl program, and will get executed in appropriate moment.

BEGIN: It gets executed in Compile time, as soon as possible, even before the rest of the file is parsed. There may be multiple BEGIN{} blocks and they will be executed in FIFO.

END : It is executed as late as possible, that is, after Perl has finished running the program and just before the interpreter is being exited, even if it is exiting as a result of a die() function. There may be multiple END{} Blocks, within a file. They will be executed in LIFO(reverse) order. END blocks are not executed when you run Perl with -c switch i.e. It's not called in compile time.

UNITCHECK: It's called after the unit which defined them has been compiled. The main program file and module it loads are compilation units.

CHECK: These are run just after initial compile phase ends and before the run time begins in LIFO order. These are used by Perl compile suite to save the compiled state of the program.

INIT : These are run just before Perl run time begins execution in FIFO Order.

INIT, CHECK, UNITCHECK, blocks are used to catch the transition between compilation phase and execution phase of main program.
# One example program for Perl mod
print "8. Ordinary code runs at runtime.\n";

 END { print "12. Read perlmod for the rest of the story.\n" }
 INIT { print " 6. INIT blocks run FIFO just before runtime.\n" }
 UNITCHECK { print " 4. And therefore before any CHECK blocks.\n" }

 print "9. It runs in order, of course.\n";

 BEGIN { print " 1. BEGIN blocks run FIFO during compilation.\n" }
 CHECK { print " 5. CHECK blocks run LIFO after all compilation.\n" }
 BEGIN { print " 2. So this line comes out second.\n" }
 INIT { print " 7. Run this again, using Perl's -c switch.\n" }
 END { print "11. END blocks run LIFO at quitting time.\n" }
 UNITCHECK { print " 3. UNITCHECK blocks run LIFO after each file is compiled.\n" }

 print "10. It merely _looks_ like it should be confusing.\n";

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

including/Using/Require Perl Modules in Program

There are many ways to include modules/packages in your program.

Use Module;

Use Module List;

Which is exactly equivalent to

    BEGIN { require Module; import module; }
    BEGIN { require Module; import Module List; }
    require "";
    import Module;

All perl modules have, use assumes this so you don't have to spell it out explicitly as "" instead you can say use Module;

Following two statements:

require Module;
require "";

differ from each other. In first case, any double colon ( my::module) will be translated to  system's directory separator e.g."/", while in second case you will have to give module name with path literally.

With "require" one can get into following problem:
require myModule;
$some = myModule::somefunc();  # Need to make myModule:: accessible

use myModule;               # Import Names from myModule
$some = somefunc();

require myModule;
$some=somefunc();  # Error: No main::somefunc(),    so be careful in this case. solution is as follow

Above problem can be solved as following:
require "";
import myModule;

Command Line inclusion
For including module from command line use following command:
C:\>perl -MmyModule

For more information on -M switch check perlrun in perldoc
For more information on this refer to this link.
or check in chapter 11. modules in Perl Programming.