adb root - To get root access on device, this will provide full permission to user
adb remount - Remounts /system partition on the device
adb push - To push any file, into device file system.
adb install - To install any apk file( application file)
adb version - To know the adb tool version
adb devices - list of devices connected to adb
adb get-serialno - Prints serial number
adb start-server - Starts ADB server
adb kill-server - Stops ADB deamon server
adb logcat - Collects device Log
adb remount - Remounts /system partition on the device
adb push - To push any file, into device file system.
e.g. adb push <local system path>\<filename> <path on device>/<filename>adb pull: To pull out file form the device
e.g. adb pull <path on device>/<filename> <local system path>\<filename>adb shell - To enter into device's command prompt, and to execute shell command for device.
adb install - To install any apk file( application file)
e.g adb install mytest.apkadb uninstall - To remove application
adb version - To know the adb tool version
adb devices - list of devices connected to adb
adb get-serialno - Prints serial number
adb start-server - Starts ADB server
adb kill-server - Stops ADB deamon server
adb logcat - Collects device Log